After making my views on the need for shows at Disneyland Paris very clear, I was thrilled to see this September’s rumours beginning with talk about new shows at both parks. Unfortunately, rumours weren’t quite so positive by the end of the month, and this Rumour Mill seems to discredit more rumours than it raises…
Story Book show
In last month’s article we discussed that a new show would be coming to the Chapparal Theatre, but at the time there was little information about what a new show might feature. Rumours this month are now strongly suggesting that the new show will feature a ‘Story Book’ theme. Hong Kong Disneyland announced this month that it would be opening a full theatrical show with a story book theme – perhaps with a story similar to that of Animagique – so it isn’t out of the question that a version of this could appear in Paris, especially considering both parks operate with dual languages.
A Christmas show for Walt Disney Studios Park?
At the end of August @DisneylandBerry suggested that over the winter season a new Christmas show would arrive in Walt Disney Studios Park – and be staged in the CineMagique theatre. It has been hoped for years by fans that the Walt Disney Studios Park would see some greater festive activities during the seasonal holiday, but unfortunately @DisneylandBerry has since said that this plan has been cancelled. This is of course something very common with Disneyland Paris; interesting plans are drawn up (hence why we have enough rumours to do this article every month) but they are more than often shelved because of cost, logistics or other such issues. I would guess the following is a prime example of this…
Toy Story Mania looks further away than ever
It has long been rumoured that Toy Story Mania will be coming to the Walt Disney Studios Park, but this month rumours suggested that it could be further away from happening than some had hoped. Last year it was claimed that contracts for the construction of the attraction had already been signed, but this month @InsideDLParis stated that were any construction to begin it would almost certainly be after 2017 and the conclusion of the Experience Enhancement Plan. This would of course push back an opening date for the attraction to perhaps even 2019. I have to say that this makes the attraction seem less likely to happen. Disneyland Paris has no plans for any totally new attractions (I count Star Tours: The Adventures Continue as an upgrade) in the foreseeable future, so would it really be keen for its first new attraction since 2014’s Ratatouille to be an attraction which first premièred in 2008 and is already in three locations globally as well?
Post-2015 Halloween plans?
This month the Halloween season kicked off in Disneyland Paris, but sadly celebrations only occur in the Disneyland Park at the minute. Rumours began to spread this month that future Halloween celebrations for the Walt Disney Studios Park are being considered, as well as a special projection event using the Phantom Manor building. However! Almost as soon as these rumours were arising, they were being discredited by other sources. Sometimes, sadly, rather aggressively. As far as I’m concerned, most rumours don’t come to fruition anyway, so being picky about sources barely seems worth the time – and arguing about it certainly should be out of the question! It looks like for this one, as with any rumour, we will just have to wait and see.
So that draws to a close this month’s Rumour Mill, where we got all excited about shows, and then heard they weren’t going to happen. Keep your fingers crossed though, I think we’ll definitely see more shows on the horizon.
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